Chinese English Dictionary

This is a very useful Chinese English dictionary which provides Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Pinyin, and English explanations.

No. Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Pinyin explanation
1群英群英qun2 ying1assemblage of talented individuals/ensemble of heroes
2群英会群英會qun2 ying1 hui4distinguished gathering/a meeting of heroes
3群落群落qun2 luo4community/(science) biocoenosis/ecological community
4群言堂群言堂qun2 yan2 tang2letting everyone have their say/taking people's views into account/free expression of different views/(contrasted with 一言堂[yi1 yan2 tang2])
5群论群論qun2 lun4group theory (math.)
6群起而攻之群起而攻之qun2 qi3 er2 gong1 zhi1the masses rise to attack it (idiom); Everyone is against the idea./universally abhorrent
7群雄群雄qun2 xiong2outstanding heroes/warlords vying for supremacy (in former times)/stars (of sports or pop music)
8群雄逐鹿群雄逐鹿qun2 xiong2 zhu2 lu4great heroes pursue deer in the central plains (idiom); fig. many vie for supremacy
9群集群集qun2 ji2to gather/to congregate/to aggregate
10群震群震qun2 zhen4earthquake swarm

This Chinese English dictionary provides translations and definitions of more than 100,000 words from Chinese language to English.

You can find Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Pinyin, and English explanations in the dictionary.

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