Free Chinese-Hungarian dictionary provides tens of thousands of Chinese Traditional words, Chinese Simplified words, pinyin and German explanations.
No. | Chinese Simplified | Chinese Traditional | Pinyin | explanation |
1 | 相片 | 相片 | xiang4 pian4 | kép/fény|kép/fotó/SZ:張|张[zhang1] |
2 | 手 | 手 | shou3 | kéz/SZ:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]/(vmilyen munkához értő, azzal foglalkozó ember) |
3 | 容祖儿 | 容祖兒 | rong2 zu3 er2 | Joey Yung (hongkongi popénekes és színésznő) |
4 | 套管 | 套管 | tao4 guan3 | köpeny|cső |
5 | 学习 | 學習 | xue2 xi2 | tanul |
6 | 德州 | 德州 | de2 zhou1 | (földrajzi név) Texas/(földrajzi név) Dezhou; Töcsou (város Shandong tartományban) |
7 | 表扬 | 表揚 | biao3 yang2 | dicsér |
8 | 不想 | 不想 | bu4 xiang3 | váratlanul |
9 | 恶臭 | 惡臭 | e4 chou4 | bűz |
10 | 挑选 | 挑選 | tiao1 xuan3 | ki|választ |
This Chinese-Hungarian dictionary is designed to help you quickly and easily find Hungarian explanations of Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional Chinese words or phrases. Whether you're traveling abroad or just looking for a reliable translation tool for business purposes, we've got your back.
You can also find the pinyin of each Chinese character. Our comprehensive database includes words used on a daily basis as well as jargon in various fields such as finance, medicine, or technology.
We hope this dictionary will help make communication between Hungarian and Chinese easier than ever before!
(c) 2022 Convert Chinese