Chinese Hungarian Dictionary

Free Chinese-Hungarian dictionary provides tens of thousands of Chinese Traditional words, Chinese Simplified words, pinyin and German explanations.

No. Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Pinyin explanation
1之后之後zhi1 hou4utána/múlva; múltán/később
2大雾大霧da4 wu4sűrű köd
3恙虫恙蟲yang4 chong2fekélybolha/bársonyatka
4讲课講課jiang3 ke4órát ad; tanít; oktat
5帅印帥印shuai4 yin4parancsnoki pecsét
6豆奶豆奶dou4 nai3szója|tej
7做出做出zuo4 chu1ki|bocsát
8街景街景jie1 jing3utca|kép (interaktív online térkép jelentésben is, pl. a Baidu és a Tencent QQ szolgáltatásaként)
9危险性危險性wei1 xian3 xing4veszély; veszélyesség/ártalmasság
10存在存在cun2 zai4létezik/van/lét

This Chinese-Hungarian dictionary is designed to help you quickly and easily find Hungarian explanations of Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional Chinese words or phrases. Whether you're traveling abroad or just looking for a reliable translation tool for business purposes, we've got your back.

You can also find the pinyin of each Chinese character. Our comprehensive database includes words used on a daily basis as well as jargon in various fields such as finance, medicine, or technology.

We hope this dictionary will help make communication between Hungarian and Chinese easier than ever before!

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