Chinese Hungarian Dictionary

Free Chinese-Hungarian dictionary provides tens of thousands of Chinese Traditional words, Chinese Simplified words, pinyin and German explanations.

No. Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Pinyin explanation
1梯形梯形ti1 xing2‹mat› trapéz, trapéz forma \ létra formájú, létra alakú
2局面局面ju2 mian4helyzet/aspektus/fázis
3有鳞目有鱗目you3 lin2 mu4pikkelyes hüllők; Squamata
4qin2(tulajdonnév) Csin-dinasztia (i.e. 221 – i.e. 207)/(családnév) Qin
5chang3hely/tér/pálya/színtér/jelenet/szín/mező (fizika)/(számlálószó: előadás, mérkőzés, sportesemény)
6潮流潮流chao2 liu2áramlat/trend
7命案命案ming4 an4ember|ölés; gyilkosság
8新闻网新聞網xin1 wen2 wang3hír|csatorna; hír|oldal; hír|ügynökség
9乱扔亂扔luan4 reng1szemetel
10大豆大豆da4 dou4szója|bab

This Chinese-Hungarian dictionary is designed to help you quickly and easily find Hungarian explanations of Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional Chinese words or phrases. Whether you're traveling abroad or just looking for a reliable translation tool for business purposes, we've got your back.

You can also find the pinyin of each Chinese character. Our comprehensive database includes words used on a daily basis as well as jargon in various fields such as finance, medicine, or technology.

We hope this dictionary will help make communication between Hungarian and Chinese easier than ever before!

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