Chinese German Dictionary

Free Chinese-German dictionary provides over 200000 items of Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Pinyin, and German explanations.

No. Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Pinyin explanation
1恒星光谱分类恆星光譜分類heng2 xing1 guang1 pu3 fen1 lei4Spektralklasse (S, Astron)
2机械零件機械零件ji1 xie4 ling2 jian4Maschinenelement (S)
3移动装置移動裝置yi2 dong4 zhuang1 zhi4Abrückvorrichtung (S)
4明天早晨明天早晨ming2 tian1 zao3 chen2morgen früh (Adv)
5克莱门森还原反应克萊門森還原反應ke4 lai2 men2 sen1 huan2 yuan2 fan3 ying4Clemmensen-Reduktion (S, Chem)
6达西安镰刀達西安鐮刀da2 xi1 an1 lian2 dao1Falx (Hiebwaffe) (S, Mil)
7自然界自然界zi4 ran2 jie4Natur (S)
8象征性象征性xiang4 zheng1 xing4symbolisch (Adj)
9光发射光谱学光發射光譜學guang1 fa1 she4 guang1 pu3 xue2Optische Emissions-Spektroskopie (S, Phys)
10司法部门司法部門si1 fa3 bu4 men2Justizbehörde (S, Rechtsw)

Welcome to this German-Chinese dictionary page! This dictionary is designed to help you quickly and easily find the German explaination of Chinese words and phrases. Whether you're traveling abroad or simply looking for a reliable translation tool for business purposes, we have got your back.

Our comprehensive database includes thousands of terms commonly used in everyday communication as well as specialized vocabulary specific to various fields such as finance, medicine or technology.

We hope that this dictionary helps make communicating between Germans and Chinese easier than ever before!

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