Chinese German Dictionary

Free Chinese-German dictionary provides over 200000 items of Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Pinyin, and German explanations.

No. Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Pinyin explanation
1日趋日趨ri4 qu1allmählich (Adj)/Tag für Tag (S)
2有魅力的有魅力的you3 mei4 li4 de5reizvoll, attraktiv (Adj)
3特种加工特種加工te4 zhong3 jia1 gong1Sonderbearbeitung (S)
4四百六十七四百六十七si4 bai3 liu4 shi2 qi1467 (vierhundertsiebenundsechzig)
5以供参考以供參考yi3 gong1 can1 kao3zur Information (S)
6南西裴洛西南西裴洛西nan2 xi1 pei2 luo4 xi1Nancy Pilosi (US-amerikanische Politikerin der Demokratischen Partei) (Eig, Pers, 1940-)
7提到提到ti2 dao4Erwähnung (S)/bezeichnen (V)/erwähnen (V)
8宿命论宿命論su4 ming4 lun4Fatalismus (S)/fatalistisch (Adj)
9音乐文件音樂文件yin1 yue4 wen2 jian4Musikdatei (S)
10打孔卡片冲孔机打孔卡片衝孔機da3 kong3 ka3 pian4 chong1 kong3 ji1Lochkartenstanzer (S)

Welcome to this German-Chinese dictionary page! This dictionary is designed to help you quickly and easily find the German explaination of Chinese words and phrases. Whether you're traveling abroad or simply looking for a reliable translation tool for business purposes, we have got your back.

Our comprehensive database includes thousands of terms commonly used in everyday communication as well as specialized vocabulary specific to various fields such as finance, medicine or technology.

We hope that this dictionary helps make communicating between Germans and Chinese easier than ever before!

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