Chinese German Dictionary

Free Chinese-German dictionary provides over 200000 items of Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Pinyin, and German explanations.

No. Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Pinyin explanation
1用户识别码用戶識別碼yong4 hu4 shi2 bie2 ma3Benutzerkennung (S)
2duo4(klein) hacken (V)
3允恭天皇允恭天皇yun3 gong1 tian1 huang2Ingyō (jap. Tenno) (Eig, Pers, 376-453)
4分类方法分類方法fen1 lei4 fang1 fa3Disziplin (S)/Teil (S)/Teildisziplin (S)
5淡蓝淡藍dan4 lan2hellblau (Adj)
6zhi1Saft (S, Ess)
7罗克福起司羅剋福起司luo1 ke4 fu2 qi3 si1Roquefort Käse (S, Ess)
8修改基本法修改基本法xiu1 gai3 ji1 ben3 fa3Grundgesetzänderung (S, Rechtsw)
9安德斯海尔斯伯格安德斯海爾斯伯格an1 de2 si1 hai3 er3 si1 bo2 ge2Anders Hejlsberg (Eig, Pers)
10视频图象采集視頻圖象採集shi4 pin2 tu2 xiang4 cai3 ji2Videobilderfassung (S)

Welcome to this German-Chinese dictionary page! This dictionary is designed to help you quickly and easily find the German explaination of Chinese words and phrases. Whether you're traveling abroad or simply looking for a reliable translation tool for business purposes, we have got your back.

Our comprehensive database includes thousands of terms commonly used in everyday communication as well as specialized vocabulary specific to various fields such as finance, medicine or technology.

We hope that this dictionary helps make communicating between Germans and Chinese easier than ever before!

(c) 2022 Convert Chinese