Chinese German Dictionary

Free Chinese-German dictionary provides over 200000 items of Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Pinyin, and German explanations.

No. Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Pinyin explanation
1红墨水紅墨水hong2 mo4 shui3rote Tinte, rote Tusche (S)
2长双岐杆菌長雙岐桿菌chang2 shuang1 qi2 gan3 jun1Bifidobacterium longum (S, Bio)
3叛国叛國pan4 guo2Hochverrat (S, Rechtsw)
4甩干机甩乾機shuai3 gan1 ji1Wäscheschleuder (S)
5火箭弹火箭彈huo3 jian4 dan4Granat (S)
6mao2Grunzochse (Bos grunniens) (S, Zool)
7小镇小鎮xiao3 zhen4Kleinstadt (S, Geo)/Siedlung (S)/Städtchen (S)
8霏霏细雨霏霏細雨fei1 fei1 xi4 yu3dichter Regen (S, Met)
9自动空调自動空調zi4 dong4 kong1 diao4Klimaautomatik (S)
10伊宁伊寧yi1 ning2Yining (Stadt in Xinjiang) (Eig, Geo)

Welcome to this German-Chinese dictionary page! This dictionary is designed to help you quickly and easily find the German explaination of Chinese words and phrases. Whether you're traveling abroad or simply looking for a reliable translation tool for business purposes, we have got your back.

Our comprehensive database includes thousands of terms commonly used in everyday communication as well as specialized vocabulary specific to various fields such as finance, medicine or technology.

We hope that this dictionary helps make communicating between Germans and Chinese easier than ever before!

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