Chinese German Dictionary

Free Chinese-German dictionary provides over 200000 items of Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Pinyin, and German explanations.

No. Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Pinyin explanation
1霍华德霍華德huo4 hua2 de2Howard (Eig, Vorn)
2设计思想設計思想she4 ji4 si1 xiang3Konzept (S)
3最小密度最小密度zui4 xiao3 mi4 du4Minimaldichte (S)
4四千五百五十四四千五百五十四si4 qian1 wu3 bai3 wu3 shi2 si44554 (viertausendfünfhundertvierundfünfzig)
5不远不遠bu4 yuan3nicht weit (Adj)/nicht weit entfernt (Adj)/nicht weit weg (Adv)
6民主制度民主制度min2 zhu3 zhi4 du4demokratisches System, Demokratiesystem (S, Pol)
7使蔓延使蔓延shi3 man4 yan2auftragen, ausbreiten (V)
8涟源漣源lian2 yuan2Lianyuan (Stadt in der Provinz Hunan) (Geo)
9六千二百八十二六千二百八十二liu4 qian1 er4 bai3 ba1 shi2 er46282 (sechstausendzweihundertzweiundachtzig)
10夏德夏德xia4 de2Friedrich Hirth (Pers)

Welcome to this German-Chinese dictionary page! This dictionary is designed to help you quickly and easily find the German explaination of Chinese words and phrases. Whether you're traveling abroad or simply looking for a reliable translation tool for business purposes, we have got your back.

Our comprehensive database includes thousands of terms commonly used in everyday communication as well as specialized vocabulary specific to various fields such as finance, medicine or technology.

We hope that this dictionary helps make communicating between Germans and Chinese easier than ever before!

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