Chinese French Dictionary

This Chinese-French dictionary provides over 50000 items of Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Pinyin, and French explanations.

No. Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Pinyin explanation
1破获破獲po4 huo4découvrir et arrêter un criminel/élucider/tirer au clair/percer à jour/déceler/dépister/détecter
2破裂破裂po4 lie4cassure
3破解破解po4 jie3cryptanalyse/analyser/déchiffrer/résoudre/élucider
4破解版破解版po4 jie3 ban3version crackée/logiciel cracké
5破译破譯po4 yi4casser ou décrypter un code/résoudre une énigme
6破败破敗po4 bai4délabrement/dégradation
7破门破門po4 men2ouvrir une porte par la force/excommunier/marquer un but
8破除破除po4 chu2détruire/se débarrasser/faire table rase de
9bo1bol à aumône

Welcome to our online Chinese-French Dictionary! Whether you're learning Mandarin, planning a trip to China, doing business with Chinese people, or simply trying to communicate better with Chinese friends - we are here to help!

Our comprehensive database contains thousands of commonly used words and phrases in both languages. With accurate translations provided by experienced linguists and user-friendly features such as Pinyin pronunciation guides, this tool will make your search quick and easy.

This tool will help bridge the gap between these two fascinating cultures through the power of language!

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