Find the redical,pronunciation,strokes and meaning of Chinese word. One word one time.
No. | Word | Radical | Strokes | Pronunciation | Meaning |
1 | 罢 | 10 | bà | 罢 (会意。从网,从能。表示用网捕住有贤能的人。网”在字的上部楷书多写作罒”。本义罢官;免去;解除) 同本义 可以罢官之无事者,去器之无用者。--《吕氏春秋·仲冬》 窦太后大怒,乃罢逐赵绾、王臧等。--《史记·魏其武安侯列传》 闻君罢官意,我抱汉川湄。--李白《赠汉阳辅录事二首》 徐阶罢相里居。--《明史·海瑞传》 复请之,吾辈无生理,而主谳者亦各罢去。--清·方苞《狱中杂记》 又如罢谢(辞官去职);罢归(辞职或免官归里) 遣返,遣归 停止 罢 bà ①中止某种活动~课、~工。 ②免去;解除~免。 【罢黜】 ①贬低并排斥~百家。 ②免除(职务)。 【罢黜百家 独尊儒术】汉代实行的以儒家思想为正统,借以维护统治的政策『武帝建元元年(前140),董仲舒为统一思想,巩固专制主义的中央集权制度而提出。武帝采纳其主张。此后,儒家学说成为历代封建统治者维护封建统治的正统思想。 【罢论】不必再论说;不必再论说的事此事已成~。 【罢免】撤销、免去(官职)。 罢pí 1.疲劳;衰弱。 2.疲敝;惫乏。 3.慰劳。 4.弱;无能。 5.无行。参见"罢士"﹑"罢女"。 6.败,失败。 罢bǐ 1.离散;分散;散开。 罢pì 1.见"罢辜"。 罢bǎi 1.见"郎罢"。 罢ba 1.语气词。同"吧"。 |
Chinese dictionary is a reference book that contains an alphabetical list of words in Chinese language with their meanings in English. It can be used to learn new words, improve vocabulary, and understand the meaning of words in Chinese language. This is an online Chinese dictionaries can be used for free.
To use the Chinese dictionary, please follow these steps:
Look up the word you want to know in the dictionary.
If you don’t know how to write the word in Chinese characters, you can use the pinyin (the romanization of Chinese) to find it.
If you don’t know the pinyin either, you can use the radical index (a list of all the radicals used in Chinese characters) to find it.
Once you find the word, look at its definition and example sentences to understand its meaning and usage.
You can also use paper dictionaries which are organized by radicals, number of strokes, and lastly by alphabetic order.
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