Find the redical,pronunciation,strokes and meaning of Chinese word. One word one time.
No. | Word | Radical | Strokes | Pronunciation | Meaning |
1 | 霸 | 21 | bà | 霸 (形声。从月。①本义阴历每月之初始见的月光。这个意义又写作魄”。②古代诸侯之长) 假借为伯。指古代诸侯联盟的盟主 霸者,伯也,行方伯之职。--《白虎通》 管仲以其君霸。--《孟子·公孙丑上》 霸者,长也。言为诸侯之长。--《孟子·离娄·丁音》 五霸不同法而霸。--《商君书·更汉》 又如春秋五霸;霸王请客;强留(歇后语) 依仗权势或实力横行一方的人 薛家系金陵一霸。--曹雪芹《红楼梦》 又如渔霸;恶霸 霸 称霸 共工 霸 bà ①春秋战国时诸侯的盟主五~不同法而霸。(《商君书·更法》) ②粗野蛮横欺压百姓的人恶~。 ③指实行霸权主义的国家东南亚一~。 ④霸占各~一方。 ⑤姓。 【霸道】 ①我国古代指凭借武力、刑法、权势等进行统治的政策。 ②强横不讲理;蛮横这个人很~。 【霸权主义】泛指大国和强国欺侮和侵略小国和弱国,建立统治地位,并妄图称霸世界。霸权最初出现在希腊历史上,形容个别大的城邦对其他城邦的控制。 【霸王】 ①春秋时代越王勾践和秦汉之间楚王项羽称霸诸侯的尊号。 ②比喻极端蛮横的人。 霸pò 1.指农历每月初始见之月。《说文.月部》﹕"霸,月始生霸然也。承大月二日,承小月三日。《周书》曰﹕'哉生霸。'"今本《书.康诰》作"哉生魄"。段玉裁注引《正 义》﹕"前月大,则月二日生魄,前月小,则三日始生魄。"一说,指月未盛明时所发的光。参阅王国维《观堂集林.生霸死霸考》。 |
Chinese dictionary is a reference book that contains an alphabetical list of words in Chinese language with their meanings in English. It can be used to learn new words, improve vocabulary, and understand the meaning of words in Chinese language. This is an online Chinese dictionaries can be used for free.
To use the Chinese dictionary, please follow these steps:
Look up the word you want to know in the dictionary.
If you don’t know how to write the word in Chinese characters, you can use the pinyin (the romanization of Chinese) to find it.
If you don’t know the pinyin either, you can use the radical index (a list of all the radicals used in Chinese characters) to find it.
Once you find the word, look at its definition and example sentences to understand its meaning and usage.
You can also use paper dictionaries which are organized by radicals, number of strokes, and lastly by alphabetic order.
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