Find the redical,pronunciation,strokes and meaning of Chinese word. One word one time.
No. | Word | Radical | Strokes | Pronunciation | Meaning |
1 | 鲅 | 13 | bà | 鲅 马鲛属(scomberomorus)几种鲭的任一种 鲅bō 1.鱼掉尾而游貌。参见"鲅鲅"。 2.鱼名。形状似鲤而色赤的鱼,赤鲤。 鲅bà 1.鱼名。亦称蓝点鲅﹑马鲛鱼﹑燕鱼。体略呈纺锤形。口大。鳞细。背黑蓝色,腹侧银灰色。生活于海洋。肉可食。 |
Chinese dictionary is a reference book that contains an alphabetical list of words in Chinese language with their meanings in English. It can be used to learn new words, improve vocabulary, and understand the meaning of words in Chinese language. This is an online Chinese dictionaries can be used for free.
To use the Chinese dictionary, please follow these steps:
Look up the word you want to know in the dictionary.
If you don’t know how to write the word in Chinese characters, you can use the pinyin (the romanization of Chinese) to find it.
If you don’t know the pinyin either, you can use the radical index (a list of all the radicals used in Chinese characters) to find it.
Once you find the word, look at its definition and example sentences to understand its meaning and usage.
You can also use paper dictionaries which are organized by radicals, number of strokes, and lastly by alphabetic order.
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